Protect your digital services from Bizarro banking malware - XTN Cognitive Security

Protect your digital services from Bizarro banking malware

Bizarro is a banking malware targeting customers of European and South American banks and focusing on user credentials theft.
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Written by Guido Ronchetti, CTO at XTN Cognitive Security®

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a new brazil banking malware, Bizarro, focusing on users’ credentials theft of European and South American bank customers.

Bizarro joins a list of malware that takes advantage of social engineering to gain users’ trust and lead them to install malicious software. It is distributed via Microsoft Installer packages that, once installed, make false authentication requests possible to the victim.
Having the user’s credentials, the fraudster can take over the victim’s account and steal its money or sensitive data. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the fraudster and prevent the fraud from being successful.

As a Fraud Protection solutions leader, XTN Cognitive Security® helps you activate a successful strategy to prevent Account Takeover attacks:

  • User-behavior analysis implemented in our Cognitive Security Platform® lets us detect and block the threat. We identify behavioral anomalies that may indicate access by the attacker.
  • Behavioral Biometrics lets recognize when attackers try to access the service on behalf of the legitimate user and prevent fraud from being successful.
  • Moving to Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is crucial to secure electronic payments. Adopting a SCA solution with Behavioral Biometrics features such as our Smart Authentication (SA®) allows you to combat effectively phishing and similar phenomenon leading to ATO.

XTN Cognitive Security Platform® lets you secure your high-value online services against financial malware. Get started!


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