Podcast | Protect Your Digital Business From Fraud - XTN Cognitive Security

Podcast | Protect Your Digital Business From Fraud

Our Anthony Cardoza, North America Business Unit Director for XTN, explains how XTN can protect digital businesses from fraud to Gary Miliefsky, Cyber Defense TV Publisher at the RSA Conference 2020.
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How does XTN prevent fraud?
What about Behavioral Biometrics and Behavioral Analysis?
How does the Cognitive Security Platform® work?
What are the features that bring XTN to the next level over any fraud preventers?

Our Anthony Cardoza, North America Business Unit Director for XTN, answered this and many other questions during a podcast interview with Gary Miliefsky, Cyber Defense TV Publisher at the RSA Conference 2020.

Listen to the Podcast and discover our holistic approach to Fraud Protection.

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