Fintech | XTN Cognitive Security


Empower fintech growth by stopping fraud and protecting sensitive customer data

Shielding Your Fintech Business from the Growing Risk of Fraud

XTN Cognitive Security helps fintech companies navigate the complex landscape of digital finance, where every transaction and piece of sensitive customer data is at risk. As Fintechs handle financial operations and offer innovative services, they also expose themselves to fraud risks, from identity theft to fraudulent transactions.

At XTN, we provide the advanced fraud prevention solutions that protect every transaction, secure customer data, and ensure that your service remain trusted and resilient in the face of evolving threats.

Main Protection Goals

To secure your Fintech services, it’s essential to establish clear protection goals that safeguard your users and the integrity of your transactions. These objectives focus on preventing fraud and ensuring secure digital experiences.

  • Protection of your end-users
  • Onboarding protection
  • Payment protection
  • App protection
  • AML (Anti-Money Laundering)

Main Use Cases

Fintech companies face unique fraud challenges across various aspects of their operations. Below are the most critical fraud scenarios they must address to maintain trust and security.

  • Payment Fraud: Fraudsters exploit vulnerabilities in digital payment systems to conduct unauthorized transactions, often using stolen credentials, compromised accounts, or synthetic identities.
  • Card Fraud: Cybercriminals use stolen card details to make unauthorized transactions online, at physical stores, or withdrawing cash from ATMs.
  • Authorized Push Payment Fraud: Scammers deceive victims into willingly transferring money to fraudulent accounts, often by impersonating trusted entities such as banks, suppliers, or government institutions.
  • Money Mule: Fraudsters recruit individuals, often unknowingly, to move illicit funds through their bank accounts, making it harder to trace and recover stolen money.
  • New Account Fraud: Criminals create fake or synthetic identities to open new accounts, which they use for fraudulent transactions, money laundering, or applying for credit.
  • Account Takeover: Attackers gain unauthorized access to a customer’s banking account through phishing, credential stuffing, or malware, enabling them to steal funds or sensitive data.
  • Financial Malware: Malicious software is deployed to intercept banking sessions, steal credentials, or manipulate transactions without the user’s knowledge, often through infected devices.
  • Shell Game MalwareFraudsters manipulate inter-account transfers by targeting both traditional banks and neobanks, exploiting vulnerabilities in security systems and devices once considered safe.

A Success Story in Fintech Protection

Discover how a leading fintech company accelerated its growth and secured its digital ecosystem against fraud, thanks to the adoption of XTN’s advanced fraud prevention solutions. By blocking 99% of fraud attempts and building stronger trust with their customers, they overcame key security challenges.

Read the full business case here.

Business Risks

Digital fraud and cyber threats can impact a Fintech by:

  • Financial Losses
  • Reputational Damage
  • Regulatory and Compliance Issues
  • Increased Operational Costs
  • Loss of Customer Trust
  • Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities


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Stop fraud, not customers!

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