What is an ATO and how to manage it! - XTN Cognitive Security

What is an ATO and how to manage it!

Account takeover is a form of identity theft and fraud, where an attacker successfully gains access to a user's account credentials.
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Today ASK YOUR FRAUD EXPERT post is dedicated to Account Takeover attacks. Let’s ask our Fraud Expert on how to manage them.

What is an ATO?
Account takeover is a form of identity theft and fraud, where an attacker successfully gains access to a user’s account credentials. Often, the ATOs result from data breaches, phishing, or overlay attacks accomplished.

What are the primary targets?
Accounts with some value for the attacker such as banking credentials, payment systems (Paypal), services such as Uber to which a credit card or e-commerce sites are associated (electronic or easily resellable goods).

How to manage it?
To protect your services from ATO attacks, you need to define a user behavior analysis strategy:
Detect and block the threat: identify behavioural anomalies that may indicate access by the attacker;
Use strong un-phishable authentication. Preventing the theft of simple credentials such as user and password makes it more difficult for the attacker to gain full access to the service.



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